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A New Home

Welcome to our web page about our proposals to deliver a vibrant, sustainable space at the site of the Former Oil Village, East Calder.

Here you will find details about our plans, how to engage and feedback and information about our upcoming public consultations.

Our proposals

The Oakbank site, currently underutilised, offers a unique opportunity to create a new home for Big Kid Circus. Our vision is to implement a phased development that will deliver new space that combines a multi-functional training school, community amenities, and a connection to nature.

Where and when

As part of our engagement with local people and stakeholders, we will be holding a two-stage consultation, with the first event due to take place on:

· 26 February 2025, 12pm – 7.30pm at Oakbank Bowling Club, Oakbank Road, East Calder, EH53 0BT.

· This will be followed up with a second event on 3 April 2025 from 12pm – 7.30pm at the same venue.

Details about our proposals

You will find copies of our digital boards on this page when our physical consultation takes place. This means you can still view all the information, even if you can’t make it to our event.

Public Consultation Boards – download here.

Get in touch

We want to hear your views, comments and ideas.
You can call us on: 0141 648 5799
You can also email us at: [email protected]

Feedback form

Thank you for completing our feedback form. Capturing quality feedback and ideas is important as we refine proposals.  Below is space for your name and contact details. Please note this information is optional and these details will not be used for marketing purposes.

Please submit forms no later than 10 April 2025. You can send this via email or post to:

[email protected]

Kat Wallace, The BIG Partnership Group Limited, 1 – 3 Woodside Crescent, Glasgow, G3 7UL,

This is not a representation to West Lothian Council. A further opportunity to make representations to the Council will be available when the planning application is submitted.

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5. How informative / helpful have you found our public consultation?
7. Would you like to be added to our mailing list to receive updates regarding the project?
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